Can Gum Disease Be Reversed?

Gum disease is a type of infection that affects the gum tissue. It’s usually caused by bacteria that accumulate in the gum line as a result of poor oral hygiene or other pre-existing conditions like some medical factors or even genetics.

If you’re dealing with gum disease, then your number 1 question likely is:

Can gum disease be reversed?

Well, the short answer is yes, it can be reversed if it's caught early.

Here’s a short blog post that can help you understand how gum disease works, and how it can be reversed.

The Stages of Gum Disease

Gum disease doesn’t appear all at once. It will come in stages, and the stage in which it’s caught is essential to whether you can reverse this condition.

The first stage of gum disease is called gingivitis, and this is the stage where you can effectively reverse the condition. At this point, the disease hasn’t affected the bone tissue yet, so the most common symptoms usually include gum bleeding, sensitivity, redness, or swelling.

If the condition progresses from gingivitis to gum disease, then reversing it is more complicated, but there are ways to manage it. 

How to Combat Gingivitis

The first thing you need to do is see a dentist to remove the plaque and tartar build-up from your teeth, which is formed by the bacteria causing gingivitis. 

Once you remove this bacteria, your dentist will provide lots of at-home tips to help improve your um health, such as:

  • Practicing good oral health, like brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing
  • Improving your brushing technique
  • Using fluoride toothpaste
  • Getting regular dental cleanings at the dentist’s office

How to Manage Gum Disease

If the condition evolves into gum disease, the first course of action they’ll take is deep cleaning the mouth. Unlike a regular cleaning, the dentist will have to clean under the gum line in order to remove the bacteria lying underneath.

You’ll also likely be prescribed medication like an antibiotic to help fight the infection.

In some cases, the gum disease symptoms will get better with just these two treatments. However, some patients may require surgery if the condition is severe:

  • Gum graft surgery - If the gum line is retracted significantly, the dentist will need to take tissue from other portions of your mouth and cover the exposed tooth root
  • Flap surgery - Involves lifting the gums to allow the dental surgeon to properly get all the bacteria hidden deep under your gum line

Periodontal care at Montgomery Family Dental

If you’re dealing with the early signs of gingivitis, or even think you may have gum disease, Dr. Katie Montgomery is here to help you access a personalized periodontal treatment that can restore your oral health.

To get started, please book an appointment at Montgomery Family Dental online, or call us at (937) 642-1151 today.

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